Mechanical Designs – Engineering Workshop in Werribee » Book Chute

Book Chute

The Book Chute needed two modes of operation, firstly to receive books and secondly to present the closed message and hold the flap shut. To achieve this the Librarian presses a lever on the staff side of the wall, the display then reads ‘CLOSED’, it also moves a stop into place that prevents the flap from opening. They can then change the cart full of books for an empty one.

Designed on the Pro E modeling software, it makes it easy to animate the mechanism and check its movements (see here). Also the Sheet Metal Module enabled a design that greatly benefited from the efficiency of laser cut parts. Although there are several days in the design, it is relatively quick to bend and then tack weld together the laser cut profiles.

The finished assembly was completed on time, working well aesthetically and functionally

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Project details
  • Key Features: A Pleasing Look with Function and Durability
  • Date: 2010