Mechanical Designs – Engineering Workshop in Werribee » C Box

C Box

C Box Movie Clip
To see how the C Box is assembled please click above.

The C Box is aimed at electronics engineers building a prototype system. Many catalogue supply companies offer all the electronic  components required plus a range of thin walled enclosures. Often this may be all that is required but the C Box has unique features not available with standard enclosures, these include:

  • Pressure resistance
  • Thick walls that can be drilled and tapped
  • Interchangeable panels i.e. a damaged panel can be replaced or a clear panel could be used for the lid
  • Modular design giving different size configurations
  • Side walls that can be de-mounted then drilled and tapped
  • A stylish look without having to machine a bespoke housing

The C Box is an idea that will work very well when there are sufficient quantities to bring down the manufacturing costs. To the reader who would like to take this concept to the next please contact us

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Project details
  • Key Features: A Modular Design with a pressure resistant seal
  • Date: 1995